Contact Us

Location and Contact Information

California State University, Dominguez Hills
1000 E. Victoria Street, Welch Hall, Room 200
Carson, CA 90747
 Telephone: (310) 243-3625
 Campus Map

Icon of person wearing mask

COVID-19 Guidelines

If you are visiting our office, please adhere to the following guidelines:

If you are feeling unwell or present with any COVID-19 symptoms, please do not visit our office. We advise that you reschedule your session for another date.

CSUDH Sign on Campus

Virtual Lobby Information

The Career Center has created an online lobby where the Toro Community can connect with career staff for career readiness needs, questions, or general assistance. By accessing our virtual lobby, you will be able to engage in live virtual face-to-face interactions with our team. A dedicated Career Center team member will be available live. Toros join us for our Hybrid Fall Office Hours on Wednesdays, 10AM-12PM & Thursdays, 1PM-2PM via our virtual lobby or in our office, Welch Hall 200. Click Below to access.

Password: gotoros

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