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If you have finished all the coursework for your Master's program and are writing your thesis, please remember that you must maintain continuous enrollment. You may register for your department's 600 level course to maintain continuous enrollment. If you have any questions, please contact your department's Graduate Coordinator or call the Office of Graduate Studies at (310) 243-3693.
CSUDH has transitioned to a completely digital, online review process. Below you can find a step-by-step guide for submitting your thesis/project to Graduate Studies and Research for final approval.
All of the deadlines for submission to the Office of Graduate Studies and Research must be strictly adhered to. Late submissions will not be accepted. Please carefully review the posted deadlines.
You must register your intent to submit your thesis or project with the Office of Graduate Studies and Research by completing and returning the Intent to Submit Thesis/Project Form during the semester in which you intend to graduate and complete thesis review.
This form can be hand-delivered to the Office of Graduate Studies and Research (I&I 3100) or emailed to
Only properly formatted theses/projects with approval of all committee members will be accepted for review. Committee members need to send their approvals from their CSUDH email addresses to in the format provided below.
I certify that the [thesis/project] titled “[Title]," of [Student Name] meets the required standards of scholarship of the university and the student's graduate degree program and is ready to be reviewed. In approving this [thesis/project], I agree that the student named above has incorporated into the document all additions and/or corrections required by this member of their committee, that the document has been proofread and edited, and that it follows a documentation style appropriate to the student's discipline.
Once the Office of Graduate Studies and Research has received your Intent to Submit form and approval from your committee chair and committee members, you will be notified by email that a personal review folio has been created for you in Blackboard. You will then need to upload your approved dissertation or thesis to that folio to commence review. You must upload your thesis/project on or before the stated deadline.
The thesis reviewer will read and annotate your thesis/project for necessary formatting revisions. You can revise as many times as necessary before the university publication deadline. Once all required changes to grammar and format have been made, the thesis reviewer will send you a final approval email with the required forms for publication.
Thesis Template [Word] (revised January 2020)
Thesis/Project Policies and Procedures
University Library CSUDH Thesis and Template LibGuide
*If you need assistance with writing, please visit the Writing Center
For any questions regarding the thesis/project submission and review process or any other thesis/project-related questions, please contact:
Christian Cortinas